Monday, June 29, 2009

Major Guitar Chords - Are Basics Difficult to Master? (Not What You Think)

The neck of a guitar showing the nut and first...Image via Wikipedia

Major Guitar Chords - Are Basics Difficult to Master? (Not What You Think)By []Daniel Strongly
There are only a few basic guitar chords that even the novice player can very easily master. The knowledge of these basic chords, along with some practice, will allow you to entertain yourself and your friends with many popular songs. Learning the basic major chords will be the foundation of more sophisticated playing as your practice of the instrument progresses over time. Though patience is needed when learning any instrument, the rewards that come with learning only these few major chords make your efforts pay off all the more quickly with the guitar.
The chords that are most important to learn first are the five major guitar chords, A, C, D, E, and G. All chords are simply triads, or three notes played in unison that produce a unique sound. With practice of less than an hour a day, the average person can usually learn to play these major chords fairly well within a matter of few weeks of steady practice. It is important not to give up at the beginning because your fingers hurt since they are being conditioned toward producing the callous tips that will soon provide the cushion that eliminates the initial discomfort.
Having played guitar since my youth, and with a profound love for music, I am interested in sharing my in depth experience and talent with you so that you can also have the pleasure of delighting yourself and your friends with your favorite tunes any time you come together. Learning the five major guitar chords will allow you to play a wide repertoire of songs that will keep you interested while making you anxious to learn the others. In fact, you can play several tunes by only using three of the major chords.
The A, D, and E chords will allow you to play many popular tunes, and impressing your friends with many of these hits can be your first goal in learning to play these basic major chords. Once you have mastered learning to play the basics, and can quickly move your fingers from chord to chord effortlessly, you can be on your way to learning more sophisticated music.
Get Free Lessons: Now go right ahead and download the absolutely BEST FREE Guitar Lessons, get more tips and see how I learned quickly. But go there right now, as there is no guarantee how long before these free lessons are taken down (and they are really good!).
You Can Learn Really Fast:You can play your first songs in as short as two weeks - but check it out right now. And see what many others are saying too.
See you Inside!
Daniel Strongly
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